



Chapter 147.5: 2009 Special

At first glance this looks like the female version of GTO. However Kumiko is the daughter of a Yakuza boss and must hide her background so she doesn't get fired from her first teaching job. Comparisons aside, Gokusen stands in it own right with its witty humour and dialogue.From Baka-Updates:Fresh out of college, Kumiko "Yankumi" Yamaguchi becomes a math teacher at an all-boys high school. Unfortunately for her, she's assigned by the school board as the homeroom teacher for class 2-D, which happens to be the class of delinquent students. When the class attempts to make a living hell out of Yankumi's career, they fail as her persistence and aggression gain their respect. However, little does anyone in the school know that Yankumi is actually heir to the Kuroda Group - one of Tokyo's most powerful yakuza clans.-ANN

Dengeki Daisy

Dengeki Daisy

Chapter 75.9

When Teru's older brother died, she was left with little higher than the usual cellphone featuring the text-tackle of an evasive character named DAISY, who Teru's brother had informed her her would "support her when he was no longer able to." DAISY became Teru's pillar of power, during the the next couple of years as she faces her existence alone, as he sent her motivating words through his telephone number, whether inspiring or just chatter.One day, after bullies in the student council are strangely driven away, Teru inadvertently breaks a school window, which results in her employed by the grouchy, unkind school janitor named Tasuku Kurosaki. As Teru starts working for the college janitor that is unlikable, her emotions start to surpass that of master and servant and she starts to challenge the authentic identity of DAISY. So starts an improbable friendship between A - 16-year old high-school girl along with a sly but bright 24-year old guy.Teru KurebayashiA 16-year old high-school pupil, Teru is a strong willed and kind woman who's alone after her older brother dies. She's made simply having a mobile phone that her brother gave her links her to DAISY, who becomes the supply of help and encouragement of Teru through e-mail messages. Despite never meeting him face to face, Teru h-AS complete trust in him (even though she does not have have romantic feelings for him). When she inadvertently breaks a window, Teru is driven to become the "servant" of the college janitor, Kurosaki Tasuku, to spend it away. Teru's once unfavorable feelings towards Kurosaki develop into something more intimate as the manga advances. Nevertheless, she becomes suspect the telephone her brother left her may be more than it seems and that Kurosaki is actually DAISY.

Makai No Ossan

Makai No Ossan

Chapter 370

Adapted from Boon Scanlations: Makai no Ossan is a slice-of-life-in-hell kind of gag web manga about an underworld family consisting of a middle-school student, his dad, mom, younger sister, and older brother.

Kuchibiru Ni Suketa Orange

Kuchibiru Ni Suketa Orange

Chapter 8: Don't Know If This Is Love

When a transfer student arrives from Tokyo, Chizuru immediately develops a crush. Surprisingly, the beautiful and stylish transfer student joins Chizuru's group of friends. Will a closer relationship develop between Chizuru and Kanae?Also contains two other stories:• Tojitete ne, Kokoro (Keep Your Heart Closed)Azusa is Kiwako's older cousin by one year and they've had the same unchanging relationship even on until high school, even after Kiwako moved in with Azusa due to the death of her parents. They've always been close, but Kiwako decided to take it a little further. However, this now presents the question of whether it can last...• I Don't Know if This Is Love

Skin And Bone

Skin And Bone

Chapter 5: Slug Girl [End]

From Amazon.com: A volume of four terrifyingly witty novellas. Skin and Bone: Poor Taichi is bullied incessantly at school because of her weight problem, but she undertakes a diet from hell, which leaves her nothing more than skin and bone. The Red Satchel: Haruna's deathly appearance shocks her friends when she returns to school. She disappears again, leaving only her red school satchel and its gruesome contents. Two Sisters: Young, beautiful Ms. Numata is a popluar teacher, but her outer appearance hides a ghastly truth she has kept secret since birth. Caterpillar: No one can understand Mayuko's obsession with caterpillars, but everyone at school hates her for it. She is bullied relentlessly, but knows that her destiny lies in a different place.



Vol.1 Chapter 5: Spring Goodbyes

Okumoto Momo is a first year student at an art school living on her own although she's close to her family. She's studying art to follow in the footsteps of her father, who left his wife and three children (Momo is the youngest) some years back. One day her mother summons her and her siblings home to say that their father has resurfaced, sending divorce papers to their mother. It's a bit of a surprise, but he's been gone a long time and everyone is used to it.



Vol.24 Chapter 155.2 : Interview With Yagi Norihiro Extended

Show is set on a fictional medieval island where people are harassed by Yoma, humanoid shape-shifters that feed on people. A cryptic group, called The Organization, creates human-Yoma hybrid vehicles to kill Yoma for a fee. These female warriors wear uniforms that are armored.Claymore and Yoma warriors likewise are powered with a demonic energy, Yoki, allowing shape-shifting extreme strength and. The action of awakening is likened to the sensation of sexual climax while both female and male warriors existed in days gone by hence the development of male Claymores ceased completely and only the girls proved to be successful warriors.The isle world is divided with one warrior delegated to each. warriors No. 1 through 47 are rated on their service line Yoki possible, strength, agility, wisdom, feeling and leadership. A warrior's status falls and climbs based on the warrior's strength in terms of other warriors. It's not clear when the possibility lies within the warriors or whether the warriors strength comes from training/expertise.Along with all having distinct names, most warriors (typically full of status) further their identity by possessing an original sword technique, fighting style, or yoki power. A couple of fighting styles include: releasing a blast of yoki to get a brief fit of speed, fighting with two swords, and extending the arm. For yoki skill, there are quite precisely in close quarters and many Claymores who are able to feel yoki over vast spaces. This seems to be, while not attacking, a precious and very uncommon skill as well as the Claymores in the Organization with this skill are generally highly rated. Additionally, there are four Claymores which have attacking techniques which are yoki. The first is Galatea's power to command her adversaries yoki for short intervals during conflict, generally to cause the assault to lose of the enemy. The 2nd is Teresa's: her power to feel yoki is not really weak that she is able to feel her adversaries body being moved around by it how and when her enemy would attack next, and will thus feel, a technique afterwards reproduced by Clare. The next skill is the fact that of Raftela who's in a position to control movements and the eyesight of other Claymores. She's used as an anti-warrior warrior.would be the titular characters of the show.People would be the most numerous and politically dominant species understood in both the Mainland as well as the Island.Yoma are beings that feed on blood and human flesh. They are able to shapeshift into human form which allows them to dwell among people. They are created by the Organization by sending them to the North while the daughters are sent to the East to become Claymores and rounding up orphan sons. The outcome is a Yoma.Yoma have rate and strength beyond individuals and will regenerate damaged bodies at unbelievable rates. Yoma in their authentic state have gold cat like eyes, razor sharp teeth and claws, muscle, elongated limbs and torsos, blood that is purple and grey, purple, brown or green skin.Other manga:+ +

Ote O Haishaku

Ote O Haishaku

Chapter 5.5

At the library, Arimura Satoru, a man who has a severe hand fetish, accidentally touches the hands of a fellow student in the craft department. They're his "ideal hands," so he takes it as destiny. Taking pictures, drawing, and sketching, he goes to visit Yuasa (his hands) everyday. Although he finds him annoying, Yuasa understands the pure feelings Arimura has towards his creations and allows him to draw. One day, Yuasa cuts his finger in front of Arimura. In the name of 'disinfection,' his finger gets relentlessly licked and he unintentionally gets excited. At the same time, he's disgusted that Arimura gets an erection from licking his fingers! Arimura, who only focuses his attacks on 'hands,' begins to grow interested in the actual owner of them. Yuasa, whose only had his hands focused on, starts to get irritated…This is a romance story of fetishes where their relationship may develop into love ★

Under Execution Under Jailbreak

Under Execution Under Jailbreak

Vol.1 Chapter 7: Deadman's Questions, Part 3

Contains 4 short stories: Under Execution, Under Jailbreak - A man in jail and his attempts to break out of his cell. Dolce and His Master (2 chapters) - A man and his cat are stranded on a small sinking ship. Their supplies of food and water are dangerously low - almost non-existent. Who will go over the edge first? And who will emerge victorious in the frenzied battle that follows? Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - At a Confessional, Kishibe Rohan listens to the life story of a rich and successful man. Deadman's Questions (3 chapters) - A man (or it is a ghost?) wanders around town struggling to accomplish his mission.

Ultra Maniac

Ultra Maniac

Chapter 25

Shy Ayu Tateishi has just made a new friend at school. But this new friend, much to her surprise, is no ordinary classmate. Nina Sakura may look like a normal middle school girl, but she's got a big secret. She's a witch. Poor Ayu just wants a simple love potion to get the guy that she likes to like her back, but Nina is actually a big flunk in witch school! So instead, Ayu gets a load of trouble!! --- Shy Ayu Tateishi has just made a new friend at school. But this new friend, much to her surprise, is no ordinary classmate. Nina Sakura may look like a normal middle school girl, but she's got a big secret. She's a witch. Or, rather, she's studying to be a witch. And apparently, she's not doing her homework. Her spells are devastating in their ineffectiveness and often result in the most embarrassing situations for poor Ayu. But things wouldn't be so bad if Nina's sorcery didn't make Ayu look silly in front of the one boy she secretly adores. All she wants is a simple love potion. What she gets, however, is a new best friend who almost flunked out of witch school!

Sarashina Subaru-Kun No Meirei Wa Zettai! !

Sarashina Subaru-Kun No Meirei Wa Zettai! !

Chapter 12

"You're mine." She finds herself perched on his lap, on the receiving end of a steamy kiss. On top of that, he's carrying her bridal-style to a bed...! Hatoko's getting sick and tired of being pushed around by her childhood friend and professional model, Subaru (a.k.a. The Sadistic Prince). One day Subaru drags her along to... a photo studio!? Filling in for a model, she is forced to play the role of Subaru's girlfriend. Amid the confusion, Subaru tells her he loves her as his face gets closer to hers... How is she supposed to react when he's looking at her like that!? Her heart's hammering in her chest...!!

Death Note

Death Note

Chapter 112

is a Japanese manga series written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. The storyline follows a high school student who falls upon a supernatural laptop from a shinigami named Ryuk that allows its user the power to kill anyone whose name and face he understands, Light Yagami. The series centres around Light's subsequent attempts to make and rule a world "cleansed of evil" as a "God" using this located laptop, as well as the efforts of a detective called L to stop him. Light Yagami is a blase young prodigy who resents all things bad. His life experiences a radical change when he falls upon the "", a laptop that kills anyone whose name is written inside. After testing with all the laptop, its credibility is confirmed by Light and is joined through an unexpected house guest - the previous owner of the laptop, a shinigami called Ryuk. Light tells Ryuk of his plan to exterminate all of the individuals he considers unfair and wrong in the planet, until only individuals whom he's deemed truthful and type stay. Once he ends creating this utopia, he means to rule over it as the self proclaimed "God of the new world".Shortly, the inexplicable deaths of offenders get the eye of Interpol as well as the world-renowned detective, "L". L stages a fake public appearance and immediately deduces the serial killer, openly called "Kira" (based on the Japanese pronunciation of the word "killer"), is situated in the Kanto area and will kill people without direct contact. Lighting starts a cat and mouse game with him, and recognizes that L will be his biggest hindrance, in the efforts of stopping his life and learning his identity.By helping his task force and L track down Kira light efforts to produce an alibi. His strategy is impeded well-known model Misa Amane by a lovestruck second Kira, and her shinigami Rem. Misa trails him to his house, where he consents to be her boyfriend in exchange for her obedience and conformity and identifies Light as the primary Kira. Nevertheless, Misa's infatuation with Light shortly drives her to make several errors that are tactical and L begins to discover the two increasingly more funny from the second. Misa interrogated and is soon arrested and Light turns himself in voluntarily shortly after. They both subsequently relinquish ownership of the Death Notes, erasing their memories of everything they did involved using the publication.Throughout their detention, a third Kira appears. L releases them plus they can be put under house arrest in the headquarters of L when it becomes clear that Misa and Light cannot be carrying out the homicides of the third Kira. The task force get him and identify the third Kira as Yotsuba Group executive Kyosuke Higuchi. Upon touching the laptop, Light recovers his memories as Kira and kills Higuchi, recovering possession of the Death Note "exactly as planned". The task force verify the existence of shinigami and learns of the Death Notes. His elaborate strategy is subsequently completed by light into killing his guard Watari and L to save Misa's life by manipulating Rem. Rem expires herself because killing to prolong the lifespan of individual breaks shinigami law. Upon L's departure, Light becomes the second "L" and continues his charade of hunting for Kira while carrying out the crimes himself.The story picks up four years after, with Kira pulling a swell of public support as well as a sizable network of contacts. Two young men, raised to L as possible successors, are shown - Near, a detective and the United States Government associated, and Mello, an associate of the Mafia. As his first action against Kira, Mello efforts to obtain the held by the Kira task force, by kidnapping the manager of the National Police Agency in Japan. When Light homicides the manager out of hand this strategy is stymied. Refocusing on the families of the task force, Mello kidnaps the sister Sayu as a replacement of Light; the task force's laptop is lost to Mello, although she's immediately saved. To recover it, Light's dad Soichiro commerces half of his remaining life to Ryuk for the "Shinigami Eyes" - the skill to view people's names on sight. During an assault on the headquarters of Mello, Soichiro learns the name of Mello, but doesn't kill him. He's shot at repeatedly a strike, and dies soon later in hospital.After this, several and Near members of the task force start to imagine of being Kira Light. In result, Light gets Misa to quit her laptop and lifts another "Kira", Teru Mikami, a prosecutor and fervent supporter of Kira. Mikami kills Kira's former spokesman for being selfish and recruits the former girlfriend of Light, a newscaster and Kiyomi Takada, to replace him. Light shows himself to Takada as the first Kira, and understanding that the other Kiras and he are under Near's surveil, builds a decoy strategy to hide the location of the authentic Death Note.Mello kidnaps and returns Takada, who kills him with a laptop piece that is concealed. Light subsequently gets Takada commit suicide from implicating him to keep her, but Mikami, oblivious of the activities of Light, tries to kill her as well. This exposes the true Death Note Mikami has hidden, showing the strategy of Light in the final minute. In the story's climax, the two investigation teams meet in the "Yellow Box Warehouse". Mikami, who writes down the names of everybody in the warehouse except Light soon joins them. Near subsequently shows that he replaced the laptop of Mikami using a forgery and the names written implicate Light as Kira. In despair, Light attempts to make use of the laptop bit that is final in his watch to kill Near, but task force member Touta Matsuda, who's enraged in the way in which Light called his own daddy a victim, shoots him several times. Ryuk realises Light uses his private Death Note to kill Light having a heart attack, as he promised to do at the start of the narrative and has lost.Other manga: 

Watashi No Shounen

Watashi No Shounen

Chapter 43

from ShoujoMagic:Consists of a collection of 4 short stories about Serena and Kazuya:1) My Boy Possession (Watashi no Shounen) -Serena has been head-over-heels in love with her childhood friend Kacchan (Kazuya), who's one year younger than her, for 10 years!! She's been working hard this entire time to make herself the kind of woman Kacchan would like, and now she's brimming with fighting spirit! But she's so afraid he'll reject her that she hasn't made a confession yet, even to this day. She wants to be close to him, but she can't manage to do more than just joke around with him. What will become of Serena and her wish for love!?2) I Want to Get Lovey-Dovey!! (Rabu-rabu ni Naritai!!).Serena wants a more lovey-dovey relationship with Kacchan! But will he object...?!3) Love Is Invincible and Ultimate (Koi wa Muteki de Saikyou).There's a new teacher in school, and he's causing problems for Serena and Kacchan...?!4) Your Girl Possession (Anata no Shoujo) -It's Christmas, and Serena is excited about the idea of being alone with Kacchan on Christmas Eve because she wants to give him all her body and soul... until her friend gets dumped by some guy because "relationships turn cold after you go all the way." Now Serena's having second thoughts...!?

Bitter - Kare No Hisoyaka Na Seppun

Bitter - Kare No Hisoyaka Na Seppun

Chapter 5.5

This story revolves around Hasunobe Yoshinari's (Sweet - Ano Amai Amai Aji) older brother. For Hasunobe Yoshitomo, co-heir and general manager of the first-class Royal Fort hotel chain, life is pretty sweet. The only bitter pill is dealing with the rival hotel chain that recently opened nearby. However, things start to look up when he escorts a beautiful drunken guest back to his room, but who is this mystery guy?

Eroman - Kami To Pen To Sex To!!

Eroman - Kami To Pen To Sex To!!

Chapter 9

Sachi and Kotetsu are best friends since high school and now they’re working together as Writer and Mangaka. Kotetsu’s family is really strict so he doesn’t have any experienced before. To be able to draw all the sex scenes, Sachi has to be his model figure.

Hana To Ikkun

Hana To Ikkun

Chapter 6

It's the sequel to Hana ni Kuchizuke

Suit O Kita Akuma

Suit O Kita Akuma

Chapter 58

From Attractive Fascinante: More of our lovely secretary and the president. Where is our knight in the black armor when his princess is in danger? And how deep is our gorgeous Mairo's love for Eiki?

Honzuki No Gekokujou ~Shisho Ni Naru Tame Ni Wa Shudan Wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-Bu - Hon Ga Nai Nara Tsukureba Ii!

Honzuki No Gekokujou ~Shisho Ni Naru Tame Ni Wa Shudan Wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 1-Bu - Hon Ga Nai Nara Tsukureba Ii!

Chapter 42

A certain college girl who's loved books ever since she was a little girl dies in an accident and is reborn in another world she knows nothing about. She is now Maine, the sickly five-year-old daughter of a poor soldier. To make things worse, the world she's been reborn in has a very low literacy rate and books mostly don't exist. She'd have to pay an enormous amounts of money to buy one. Maine resolves herself: If there aren't any books, she'll just have to make them! Her goal is to become a librarian. This story begins with her quest to make books so she can live surrounded by them! Dive into this biblio-fantasy written for book lovers and bookworms!

Gakuen Alice

Gakuen Alice

Chapter 180.2

Mikan Sakura grew up with her grandfather on the countryside of Japan. When her best friend, Hotaru, transfers to a prestigious school in Tokyo, Mikan follows her. The school is actually an elite Academy for gifted people with "Alices," an ability that is unique depending on the individual being. Once Mikan arrives to the gates of the school, she encounters an Alice teacher named Narumi, gets enrolled due to a series of events, and is told that she possesses a rare Alice. Despite her initial view of the so-called greatness to the school, Mikan slowly discovers that beneath the grand facade of the Academy, there is a never-ending stream of lies and buried secrets. The school's increasingly manipulative and sinister actions towards her make it a dangerous place to be. Little does Mikan know that her enrollment in Alice Academy set the gears in motion to an even greater tragedy.

The World Is Mine

The World Is Mine

Vol.14 Chapter 163 : The World Is Mine [End]

from KEFI:Meet Mon, a violent killer faithful only to his own eruptive desires, and his timid companion Toshi, a demolition-devil with a fanatical thirst for destruction. Their killing-spree across Japan is destined to intersect the path of the enormous "Higumadon", a mysterious beast on a Godzilla-like rampage from Hokkaido to Tokyo.

Scandal (Gotou Yuuki)

Scandal (Gotou Yuuki)

Chapter 16

Scandal (GOTOU Yuuki) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Scandal (GOTOU Yuuki). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Washizu-Sama To Yukai Na Nakama-Tachi

Washizu-Sama To Yukai Na Nakama-Tachi

Chapter 37

A one-shot parody of Akagi by CLAMP



Vol.28 Chapter 184.5

From Yen Press:Monarchy ended long ago in Korea, but there are still other countries with Kings, Queens, princes and princesses. What if Korea had continued monarchism? What if all the beautiful palaces which are now only historical relics were actually filled with people? What if the glamorous royal family still maintained the palace customs? Welcome to a world where Korea still has the royal family living their lives!But for Chae-Kyung, a high-school girl, this is a tragedy, since she has to marry the prince who turns out to be a total jerk! Because of a promise between their grandfathers, Chae-Kyung must marry Shin, the crown prince of Korea. Though they each have their reasons for agreeing to marry, they find themselves falling deeply in love, even as others attempt to drive them apart.

The Lurking Spirit

The Lurking Spirit

Chapter 4

The Lurking Spirit summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lurking Spirit . If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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